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INL Desert Transmission Line
Transmission Line
Miles: 16.5
Percent Operating: 0.0% (0.0000 of 16.5 mi.)
Segments Operating: 0 of 1

Description: The Department of Energy (DOE) has released a draft environmental impact statement to construct a new 16.5-mile, 138-kilovolt overhead electrical line on the INL desert site. It will include about 300 new power poles located next to an existing transmission line. That line will run from the Central Facilities Area through the critical infrastructure test range complex and end at the Materials and Fuel Complex.

Analyst Notes:

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Companies Involved:
Company NameCompany Role
U.S. Department of Energy •••••••••••••
U.S. Department of Energy •••••••••••••
Central Facilities - Materials + Fuels Complex138 kV16.5 miPre-Construction - Chosen Route